MW ? Next day, the brothers discover that mom made Mary the executrix of her bestate/b and we enter into 3 weeks of the reading of the will punctuated with platitudes from Mrs. Worth. No wonder mom died peacefully ? she exacted a b..../b check out his ghastly pallor and receding hairline. bnancois/b says: May 12th, 2008 at 7:52 pm. 48. NotAGoatHead says: May 12th, 2008 at 4:30 pm. Ziggy: Hey! Are there two water connections to that toilet? Does he have hot and cold running water? ...
Mary Worth-The only way Donna Amalfi's going to get her kids to stop fighting is to die already and let the bestate/b lawyer get on with it. All they're fighting about is who gets the piano. #6-Even at the best supporting actor spot, I had the same feeling: I won! b..../bbnancois/b says: April 11th, 2008 at 10:49 am. #14 - I miss those shoot-outs from Police Squad!. I hope someone looks at their gun, when out of bullets, and throws it at their opponent. That is always effective. ...
bnancois/b says: March 6th, 2008 at 4:06 pm. MW - Yes, that looks like Drew and Dawn. And I believed they have spawned. FBOW - As if mimes don?t creep me out enough as it is. I fully expect Warren to silently pretend he is stuck in a box. b....../b I know you?ve been on bvacation/b, Josh, but I don?t know how you could igore last Monday?s Garfield. Jon wonders aloud what he?s doing today, and Garfield is shocked that he doesn?t recall their hot man on cat love liaison planned for b.../b